British Values

On 1st July 2015, the Common Inspection Framework requires Providers to actively promote British Values as defined by the Prevent Strategy, building resilience in children to challenge extremist views.

Making decisions together

Rule of Law
Understanding that rules matter

Individual Liberty
Freedom for all

Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Treating others, as you want to be treated


At Buttercups, we encourage the children to develop their self-confidence and self-awareness through the learning outcome Personal, Social and Emotional development. We encourage the children to make choices and decisions about what they would like to explore and how they are going to use the resources we provide for them.

Through collaborative play and negotiation, children turn take, share and make decisions together – skills that are essential for the adult world. Children are shown that their decisions count, as they are given the opportunity to vote for their favourite story or song.

Rule of law

At Buttercups Nursery School, we help the children to understand that rules matter, that rules play an important part in keeping us safe. We encourage the children to follow our Golden Rules, both inside and outside the setting and that there are consequences to breaking our rules. Children are encouraged to ‘police’ themselves and their friends. The children are given clear and consistent boundaries so they are able to learn right from wrong and expected expectations of behavior.

Individual Liberty

At Buttercups, we help the children to develop a positive sense of themselves through Personal, Social and Emotional development and Understanding of the World. Every time we challenge the children to carry out a task we are developing their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increasing their confidence in their own abilities.

Through our new experiences we teach the children to reflect on differences, develop their opinions, ensuring that they understand that everyone is free to have their own opinion and feel valued.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

At Buttercups, we teach the children to treat others as we would like to be treated. Through feelings flashcards we can discuss how we have made others feel and how this has impacted on ourselves.

We encourage the children to have respect for their peers. This is achieved through modeling behavior and language and during play situations. We build on friendships through small group work, common interests, play and role modeling.

At Buttercups, we have four key groups with a keyworker and co keyworker. This allows the children to feel part of a small community, mixing with children who are older or younger than themselves. For the larger community, we are Buttercups Nursery School.

Our Equality and Diversity policy is committed to providing equal opportunities and anti-discriminative practice for all children and families for example; we do not provide ‘girls toys’ or ‘boys toys’, children are encouraged to explore all areas and toys within the continuous provision.

We respect and value different faiths, views, cultures and races; this is developed through our wider community. We invite parents/carers into the setting to celebrate their cultures and provide opportunities for families to share their own traditions.

We teach the children that different cultures celebrate different traditions for example Chinese New Year and Diwali. During our New Experiences and everyday practice children can explore similarities and differences between themselves and others, among families, faiths, community and traditions.