8am - arrival
The rear garden gate will be open between 8am and 8.15am for your arrival.
If you arrive after 8.15am you will be asked to wait until 9am when the gate is opened again.
A member of staff will greet you they will escort you into the rear garden of Buttercups.
Please be considerate to the person in front of you if their child becomes upset or they drop something.
Please keep siblings with you at all times, they are not permitted to wander around our garden area or touch any of our equipment.
We will call the children one at a time to the entrance of our front garden.
At his point we would ask that your child place their lunch box / water bottle on top of the trolley provided, snack in the snack box and book bag in the box provided.
If your child becomes upset we will either suggest you move to one side to settle your child or bring them in to the classroom yourself, where their key person can give the child individual attention.
Please be considerate and patient to other children and parents who are experiencing detachment issues as sometimes all it takes is a few minutes to encourage them to come in.
We will have time for a quick chat and hand over at this time, therefore we must re-enforce that we do not want you to feel rushed or stressed at the thought of leaving your little one.
We will encourage you to call us at a convenient time for yourselves to enquire if your child is now ok.
9am – arrival
The rear garden gate will be open at 9am for your arrival.
If you arrive after 9.10am you will not be able to gain entry to Buttercups.
A member of staff will greet you they will escort you into the rear garden of Buttercups.
Please be considerate to the person in front of you if their child becomes upset or they drop something.
Please keep siblings with you at all times, they are not permitted to wander around our garden area or touch any of our equipment.
We will call the children one at a time to the entrance of our front garden.
At his point we would ask that your child place their lunch box / water bottle on top of the trolley provided, snack in the snack box and book bag in the box provided.
If your child becomes upset we will either suggest you move to one side to settle your child or bring them in to the classroom yourself, where their key person can give the child individual attention.
Please be considerate and patient to other children and parents who are experiencing detachment issues as sometimes all it takes is a few minutes to encourage them to come in.
We will have time for a quick chat and hand over at this time, therefore we must re-enforce that we do not want you to feel rushed or stressed at the thought of leaving your little one.
We will encourage you to call us at a convenient time for yourselves to enquire if your child is now ok.
3.30pm / 4pm – departure
The rear garden gate will be opened at 3.30pm / 4pm.
A member of staff will greet you they will escort you into the rear garden of Buttercups.
Once all parents are in the garden we will call you to the entrance of our front garden.
Your child will then be called to join you at the gate.
We will have time for a quick chat and hand over at this point.
If you would like to chat to us for a longer period please let us know. We would suggest that you wait until all parents and children have left the garden.
If any forms need signing we will do this at this point.
Please take your child’s lunch box from the trolley.
6pm – departure
Please speak to a member of staff regarding the procedure for 6pm.