Payment Policy
A £50.00 registration fee (non-refundable) is due on the completion of the nursery school’s registration forms. (Please see Admissions Policy)
A £50.00 deposit is due 12 months prior to your child’s start date. This payment will be refunded when your child leaves Buttercups to start school. (Please see Admissions Policy)
NB If you register within a year of your child starting at Buttercups the £50 deposit will still be applicable.
NB if you cancel your child’s place at Buttercups after this deposit is paid it will not be refunded
A 25% reduction will be made to registration fees when registering twins.
The session fees will be revised in the spring and summer term. Any new payment rates will commence from the 1st April / 1st September.
Non-Funded Invoices – these will be issued to parents prior to their Home Visit and cover the period up until your child receives government funding.
All invoices will be sent via email through a company called Xero. You are responsible for keeping these invoices safe and for paying the correct amount on the invoice.
Government Funded Invoices – these will be issued the term after your child’s third birthday or for familys in receit of, Working Family Entitlement, from the child’s start date and cover the period up until your child starts school. We will calculate how many hours your child attends for the 50-week period, deduct the government funding, charge any additional hours at our hourly rate and calculate additional payments to be paid by the due date on the invoice.
All fees are to be paid one month in advance, by the last day of the working day of the month by bank transfer. NB we do not accept cheques. Late payment will incur a financial penalty.
Parents paying by vouchers must ensure their payments reach Buttercups bank account by the last working day of the month.
Please be aware voucher payments / tax free childcare payments once actioned i.e. 27th/28th of the month can take 3 to 4 days to reach our bank account, therefore please ensure you action these payments accordingly.
Parents paying by voucher are responsible for ensuring that the value of their voucher covers the total amount of their invoice. In the event where a top up payment is required parents must ensure that this payment is made by the last working day of the month. Late payment will incur a financial penalty.
You will be invoiced for any extra hours attended, payment must be made by the due date on the invoice. No cheques / voucher payments will be accepted.
NB a late payment fee will be charged for invoices not paid by the due date.
Where fees are not paid by the due date 25% of the value of the outstanding fees will be charged plus an administration fee of £20 and with the outstanding fees, paid by your child’s next session at Buttercups or within 3 working days.
NB If a fee payment is paid late over 3 occasions a late payment fee will charged.
Where a parent/carer is late arriving to collect a child after the agreed collection time Buttercups reserves the right to charge the parent/carer £5 per 5 minutes or part there of for the additional time to cover staff costs, administration expenses etc.
Where fees and additional charges are not paid within 7 days of the end of the month in which they were due, the nursery school reserves the right to terminate the contract.
Fees will apply to any child absent through sickness.
No reductions are made for holidays.
We do not charge for Bank Holidays
Sessions are not transferable.
When parents/carers receive their invoices, if there are any discrepancies with their invoices, parent/ carers must speak to a manager at the earliest possible opportunity, in order for the invoice to be amended before the date the invoice is due for payment. Failure to do this will result in the original invoice being paid in full.
Parents/Carers must not make alterations to their invoices themselves.
If Buttercups has to close in any emergency situation no refunds will be given for the first 48hours. After 48hours funded children will be refunded the £1.13 additional service charge plus any extra hours invoiced over and above the funded hours. Funded hours are not liable to be refunded.
Non-funded children will be offered compensatory hours in lieu of lost days/hours.
Non-Funded Children
6 weeks written notification must be given to terminate your contract with Buttercups Nursery School. Funded Children 6 weeks written notification must be given to terminate your contract with Buttercups Nursery School.
School Leavers
12 weeks written notice must be given to terminate your contract with Buttercups Nursery School.
NB please note that if you wish your child to leave before the end of the month for example the 19th July / 10th August) no refunds will be given for the remaining weeks of that month.