Children arrive at Buttercups

8:00am to 8:15am

Children can choose from a selection of activities including puzzles, books, colouring, fine motor control activities and construction play

Tidy up time


Children arrive at Buttercups

9:00am to 9:10am

Circle Time/Snack Time


Children will come together in their key groups to start the day. They self register, sing our good morning and days of the week song, count how many children are in their group, discuss how they are feeling and have the opportunity to share any news. They will also be encouraged to eat their morning fruit snack and have a drink of milk.

Activity/Free flow


Throughout the morning the children can select their own initiated activities and take part in adult led activities that are linked to our new experiences, next steps and/or interests. They will be able to work indoors and outdoors. All practitioners will be observing and interacting with the children to develop/inform/enhance/scaffold the children’s learning and development/next steps

Free flow from 10:30am

Mindfulness time


The children will work in small groups with either their key person or co key persons to take part in mindfulness activities i.e. breathing exercises, yoga, relaxation

Lunch Time


The children will be encouraged to go to the toilet then wash their hands ready to eat their lunch. They will identify their names and sit in groups of up to six children.

Outside play


Group singing


All children will take part in a group singing activity. Children will be encouraged to choose familiar songs, and be introduced to new ones.

Focus time

13:10pm to 13:25pm

The children will work in small groups with either their key person or co key persons to develop their letter and sound awareness, turn taking, listening and communication and language skills. Fun activities will be planned to engage all children

Activity/Free flow/Afternoon snack


Throughout the afternoon the children can select their own initiated activities and take part in adult led activities that are linked to our new experiences, next steps and/or interests. They will be able to work indoors and outdoors. All practitioners will be observing and interacting with the children to develop/inform/enhance/scaffold the children’s learning and development/next steps.

Free flow from 2pm

Tidy up Time


The children will be encouraged to work together to tidy away the toys both inside and outside

Afternoon Snack


The children will be offered a sweet biscuit for their afternoon snack.

Story Time


Children will be split in to small groups to listen too and interact with stories

Home Time


Tea Time


Children will be encouraged to go to toilet and wash their hands ready to eat their tea

Free Play


Children can choose from a selection of toys and take part in board game activities before they are collected to go home.